PBT Saffron Product,saffron
What is saffron?
Saffron (/ˈsæfrən, -rɒn/) is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus,
commonly known as the “saffron crocus”.
The vivid crimson stigma and styles, called threads, are collected and dried for use mainly as a seasoning and coloring agent in food.
It is believed that saffron originated in Iran.
However, Greece and Mesopotamia have also been suggested as the possible region of origin of this plant, but most sources consider Iran to be the birthplace of saffron.
Saffron crocus slowly propagated throughout much of Eurasia and was later brought to parts of North Africa, North America, and Oceania.It is a plant from the Iridaceae family, which is considered one of the most expensive medicinal and spice plants in the world,and it is called “spice of the sun” and “red gold”.
It is interesting to know that 75,000 saffron flowers are needed to produce one kilogram of saffron spice, and saffron is harvested in the fall and completely by hand, and it has not been mechanized so far.
The history of saffron cultivation
The following can be mentioned from this carotenoid
List of cities where saffron is planted
Iran is the largest exporter
Iran is the largest exporter of saffron and China is the largest importer of saffron in the world.
It is interesting to know that 75,000 saffron flowers are needed to produce one kilogram of saffron spice, and saffron is harvested in the fall and completely by hand, and it has not been mechanized so far.
Saffron grows through saffron bulbs and has a brown covering that protects it. After planting the saffron bulbs and its growth, a crown-stem with a bud is finally created;
After flowering, you will encounter a 6-petalled purple flower that protects 3 saffron stigmas,
and these stigmas worth more than US$15,000 per kilogram.Saffron has chemical compounds (carotenoids) that make this valuable plant different from others. The quality of saffron is measured through these compounds in the laboratory.
It will have a great effect on the properties of saffron.
Using this plant regularly helps to prevent cell mutations and cancer.Also, the growth of many cancerous tumors is stopped with saffron and the treatment process improves.By controlling the production of free radicals and on the other hand by strengthening the body’s immune system, cancer is automatically controlled and inhibited. Based on medical research, it has been proven that the antioxidants in saffron have anti-cancer properties.
Based on the results of this study, it seems that its use prevents the occurrence of carcinogenic gene sequences and has a significant effect on the repair of damaged DNA molecules.In laboratory studies, saffron and its compounds selectively killed or stopped the growth of colon cancer cells, while not harming normal cells.
This effect is also true for skin, bone marrow, prostate, lung, breast, cervical, and several other cancer cells. Free radical damage is linked to chronic diseases such as cancer.So, as mentioned, saffron has an extraordinary number of carotenoids and anthocyanins, the task of these substances is to fight against free radicals and can neutralize their activity.
This property of saffron can reduce the level of chronic inflammation in the body and thus prevent diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
“You can also read the properties of saffron on this website”It’s good to know that the unique coloring property of saffron is also from crocin substance.Crocin is a chemical component of saffron that can inhibit cancer cells and potentially shrink these malignant tumors.
As the most valuable food and medicinal plant, saffron is very important as an anti-cancer agent, and these biological properties are related to its main metabolites, especially carotenoids such as crocin, picrocrocin and monoterpene aldehyde picrocrocin. Based on the results of this study, it seems that the use of saffron prevents the occurrence of carcinogenic gene sequences and has a significant effect on the repair of damaged DNA molecules.
As a result, saffron prevents the excessive proliferation of cells by helping to implement the process of apoptosis or regulated cell death, and its anti-inflammatory effect plays an anti-cancer role.
According to proven tests, two compounds extracted from saffron;Safranal and picrocrocin, which are in the group of monoterpene aldehydes, were tested;
Based on this, the effect of picrocrocin compared to saffron extract and safranal on induced breast cancer in rats and the possible mechanisms of these effects were investigated, and picrocrocin had a very effective effect in treating breast cancer.
- gastric cancer
More than 20% of people in the world, especially in America, suffer from gastrointestinal cancer. Saffron juice prevents the development of this disease.
- Colon cancer
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. Saffron significantly inhibits the growth of colorectal cancer cells. While it has no effect on normal cells.
- liver cancer
Carcinoma or HCC is one of the most common early forms of liver cancer, hematological cell carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer and the third leading cause of death.
Saffron has an important chemotherapeutic effect against this disease due to the inhibition of cell proliferation and protects the liver by suppressing the inflammatory response. It can reduce the incidence of treatment side effects and mortality.
Saffron has anticoagulant activity in malignant cells and reduces cell proliferation.
- Skin Cancer
The incidence of skin cancer has increased worldwide.
Blue saffron injection prevents the progress of this type of disease. Since the skin is one of the beauty factors in the face and body, so another use of saffron is to use saffron masks in different ways.
- Lung cancer
In addition to crocin and safranal, saffron contains crostin, which plays a role in preventing lung cancer.
Due to concentration and time dependence, saffron can make cells survive in malignant cells and can be used as a chemotherapy agent in the treatment of this disease.
- Breast Cancer
Unfortunately, the above disease is one of the most common cancers among women today. Current treatment conditions such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy have not been successful enough. Studies have shown that saffron causes the formation of new blood vessels in breast cancer cells and improves the effects of radiation therapy.
As you know, saffron has chemical compounds (carotenoids) that make this valuable plant different from other plants.
The quality of saffron is measured through these compounds in the laboratory. The higher the percentage of these compounds, the higher the quality of saffron. And as a result, it will have a great effect on the properties of saffron. The following can be mentioned from this carotenoid:
Crocetin and crocin: the reason for the yellow and red color of saffron (the main factor in preventing cancer)
- Safranal: the power of fragrance
- Picrocrocin: flavoring power
- Other important carotenoids of saffron include lycopene, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene.
Kaempferol is found in the petals of the saffron flower. This compound has been linked to health benefits such as reduced inflammation, anti-cancer properties, and antidepressant activity.
Crocin and safranal present in saffron have the same effect as fluoxetine drug and prevent the reabsorption of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, thus exerting its antidepressant effect.
Saffron has euphoric properties and today some European pharmaceutical companies use it as an anti-depressant integrator.
Saffron suppresses appetite,
And it helps to reducing body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and total body fat mass.
The antioxidant property of saffron reduces blood cholesterol and prevents blood vessel clogging.
In traditional medicine, saffron has a warm character. It is used as a pain reliever, expectorant, sexual stimulant.
Also, saffron is widely used as a food flavoring and fabric dye in developing countries by industrialists.
Saffron is widely used in Iranian sweets and desserts (especially with rice), confectionery, pharmaceutical and other industries due to its special taste, smell and yellow color.
In short, the following can be mentioned among the inexhaustible properties of saffron:
- Reduction of heart and stroke
Saffron contains two important substances called potassium and crocin.
The potassium in saffron dilutes the blood and prevents blood concentration, and these two help to heal the arteries and veins respectively, thus preventing blockage of the veins and stroke.
Crocin also helps to regulate the level of blood cholesterol, and this issue has a positive effect on reducing heart attacks and clogging of arteries to a great extent. Saffron has high nutritional value and contains many minerals. Because saffron contains antioxidants. It lowers blood cholesterol. When cholesterol levels are low, major arteries are not blocked, which makes the heart work better.
- Antidepressant and improving mental health
Saffron is able to positively control two hormones, dopamine and serotonin, and helps a depressed person recover faster and taste happiness. It is recommended that women who have postpartum depression consume saffron for 6 weeks to relieve their depression symptoms.
- Reduce anxiety
Among the properties stated for saffron, and almost all Iranians use saffron because of this property, it helps to reduce anxiety and stress and also brings happiness.
- Adjusting the body clock and improving the sleep cycle
Saffron can help to experience better and deeper sleep by influencing factors such as mental peace, adjusting the body clock, refreshing the body.
- Prevent presbyopia and improve eyesight
Saffron has helped to improve eye diseases due to its minerals and vitamin A.
It may be interesting to know that patients with macular degeneration are able to regain their sight by consuming saffron and benefit from the blessing of seeing.
- Bone health
Consumption of saffron can increase the level of estrogen, which can be very useful for the treatment of bones and help to heal and restore them as much as possible.
- Improving the skin and rejuvenating it
By improving some diseases and disorders, saffron has an indirect effect on the freshness and freshness of the skin and its beauty. Also, saffron is very suitable for psoriasis and dry skin.
Consuming saffron tea makes the skin fresh, refreshing and clear; People who usually have glowing skin can find saffron in their diet. Skin lesions such as spots and freckles are also eliminated with proper consumption of saffron in the long term. Also, protect and treat your skin and face from various problems by preparing a saffron mask. Saffron cleanses the skin, which is very useful for brightening your skin.
- Strengthening the digestive system and strong detoxification of the body
This plant with warm and dry nature is the best detoxifier.
Gastrointestinal diseases usually occur as a result of changing the body’s mood and becoming cold.
The body needs adjustment by consuming a lot of cold food, and saffron does this well.
A cold may manifest itself with hives, which saffron helps to treat.
But the hot and dry nature of saffron helps to compensate for these colds and diseases such as liver enlargement, kidney damage and digestive diseases can be easily cured.
Also, people who suffer from cold stomach and abdominal pain can get rid of this condition by consuming saffron;
And it eliminates flatulence.
- Prevention of cancer
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- Weight Loss
It helps to improve metabolism and leads to increased metabolism and weight loss
- Treatment of sexual problems
Saffron helps to improve men’s sex life, and it can also be used to treat infertility.
- Improve muscle pain
The absorption of calcium by saffron helps the body to compensate for its damages and recover.
- Improving respiratory health and chronic coughs
Saffron can be used to prevent and control some lung and respiratory problems such as asthma.
- Intelligence
In general, minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, selenium, zinc, and magnesium increase people’s intelligence, and these minerals are completely found in saffron.
Of course, it should be noted that consuming too much of these substances does not increase intelligence too much, but causes poisoning. These substances also help to increase memory power effectively. In fact, these elements act as cofactors of enzyme reactions in the human body and lead to the improvement of metabolism and the functioning of body systems.
- Treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Reduce menstrual pain
Saffron has a calming effect on the uterine muscles. During menstruation, the muscles of the uterus contract and cause pain. Consumption of saffron helps to relax these muscles and reduces pain.
During menstruation, the muscles of the uterus may contract so much that the blood vessels cannot deliver oxygen to the uterus. Since the uterus needs oxygen and if oxygen is low it causes severe pain in the uterus, consumption of saffron increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body, which also applies to the uterus and relieves period pain.
Researchers have found out about the properties of saffron for menstruation that saffron has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. It is very useful and soothing for menstrual pain and is more effective than pain pills.
Saffron is not dangerous for menstruation unless you consume too much, have a special disease or have an allergy.
It is recommended that women aged 20 to 45 take 30 mg of saffron daily to reduce menstrual pain and symptoms, and smelling saffron for 30 minutes can reduce menstrual pain and anxiety.
One of the important components of saffron is crotin. which controls the production of serotonin in the brain. Finally, it helps to reduce and improve menstrual disorders.
- Treatment of delayed puberty
Many girls have the problem of delay in puberty, but using original saffron due to its warm and dry nature makes it possible to speed up the puberty process by using only 30 to 50 mg of it daily.
- Helping to give birth easily
Consuming saffron in the last three months of pregnancy relieves the pains of pregnancy and childbirth. It can have a positive effect on the health of the mother and fetus.
Also, since saffron causes thinning and shortening of the walls of the cervix; It reduces the possibility of cesarean delivery. Of course, do not forget that the use of this substance during pregnancy should be controlled.
Vulnerability, physical weakness, such as the development of new allergies, is one of the common complications during pregnancy and after.
You can regain lost health by adding saffron to your diet.
Because vitamin C and antioxidants in saffron improve your immune system.
- Treatment of insect bites
Local use of saffron extract can eliminate insect bites.
- Scar treatment
You can use saffron to treat the effects of wounds, saffron is a healing medicine to heal scars, and this spice has also been used in the past. To have soft skin, it is better to take help from saffron
- Preventing Alzheimer’s and strengthening memory
Some diseases such as forgetfulness, Parkinson’s, mild Alzheimer’s and moderate Alzheimer’s can be controlled or treated with the continuous use of saffron.
- Treatment of MS
As you know, there is a simple treatment for MS and that is saffron treatment.
- Prevention and treatment of diabetes
Saffron is useful for diabetes because it contains adequate amounts of manganese and this substance can be very effective in maintaining blood sugar.
- Fatty liver treatment
- hair loss prevention
- Prevention of urinary infectious diseases
- Strengthen the immune system
- Treatment of blood pressure and blood sugar
- Treatment of gout
A tablespoon of saffron has the following nutritional value:
Carbohydrates 1.37 grams
Fat 0.12 grams
Protein 0.24 grams
Vitamin C: 1.7 mg
Vitamin B9: 0.002 micrograms
Vitamin B6: 0.02 mg
Vitamin B3: 0.03 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.01 mg
Iron: 0.23 mg
Magnesium: 6 mg
Manganese: 0.6 mg
Copper: 0.01 mg
Phosphorus: 5 mg
Potassium: 36 mg
Kaempferol: 4.3 mg